
According to Juhani Pallasmaa, Architecture is “our primary instrument in relating us with space and time, and giving these dimensions a human measure”.

Lost Stone is a garden located at the cemetery of Gentilly in the 13th arrondissement of Paris, along the Boulevard Périphérique. The course of water guides the steps of the visitor. The entrance to the garden, South of the cemetery, faces a long wall cut horizontally by a line of water hidden inside its thickness. The hand of the visitor, sliding on the wet moss, follows the discreet rustling of the water, contrasting with the agitation of the surrounding city. The dividing line repeats itself vertically on the height of the concrete tower, where the hand tries to grasp the tree growing inside.

From outside, only the upper part of the tower is visible, as well as the North side of the interior wall resting on the one bypassing the cemetery.